Sunday, July 21, 2024

Big day in the saddle - La Clusaz to Val d"Isere via Daisies, Cormet de Rosalind. One for grimpeurs ( and grinders)

Our grupetto was under instruction to be driven over the Aravis and start at the base of the Les Saisies climb. Half of our group ( us 3 girls) are reasonable climbers but slower descenders then the boys so we would have probably managed the Aravis in good time. However, after a twisting, slightly nauseating van ride over the Aravis and relief that in fact, I wasn't having to descend it we got out, a little green at the gills and regretting some over indulgence at the breakfast buffet ready to climb to Les Saisies. This was a fabulous climb with views of Mont Blanc. Another perfect bluebird day and shaping up to be another hot one. Bloody oath.
First one done !! Pleasant descent down then through Beaufort and ready to start the climb up the Cormet de Roselend which is 20 km long. I've done it fron the other side and remember it being very scenic and reminiscent of scenes from Heidi. The lower kms average around 8% ish and it felt a bit hard on the leggies, especially after a long descent where I find my legs stiffen and feel like I'm trying to rotate logs of wood. I concentrated on some banging music and focussed on the views and feeling #blessed. I had , for some reason thought lunch was 12.5 km up so much to my dismay when I spotted Ian ( support) at the roadside helping Tanya fix a flat that lunch was another 8km away. Eh?? #hangry. But that soon passed when was rewarded with views of the lake ( which I must have descended past 8 years ago but had no recollection). I did stop to take a photo here and then the gradient eased off a little after that and also we were out of the trees so it was a fabulous grind up to the summit and breathtakingly beautiful. Our sensational support crew were at the top ready with a table of delectable goodies for lunch. And a coffee from the wee Nespresso machine in the van. Oh my, that was like a celestial treat sent from the gods!
Luckily lunch had 20 km of descent to aid digestion, by the time I reached the bottom it felt like I was in some kind of tetanic spasm in my neck/ shoulders. Death grip on the brakes on all the switch backs lower down in the trees as well as motorbikes, cars, campervans all competing to get around cyclists on the road. Aaaaargh, a bit terrifying although all the vehicles here are great and either wait or pass with plenty of room ( unlike the entitled attitudes we receive from NZ drivers). From Bourg St Maurice the three of us girls then headed up the valley twards Val d"isere, our final destination and the promise of a long drag uphill to finish. It was super hot and dusty down here and we were all a little weary by now. I have to confess I was also a bit grumpy..........and had some ( a LOT) of trepidation about riding through the upcoming tunnels. We saw Julie part way and were able to refill bottles and throw down a load of Haribo lollies. Da bomb. We made it through the first couple of tunnels which luckily had some lights , but HELL the amplified noise of impending traffic is terrifying to the very depths of the soul. Three tunnels later and we were almost at Val d "isere which sits at 1800m elevation... straight up the road to the hotel. I couldn't contain my excitement when I spotted sheepskin covered stools in the lounge/bar area. They must have known my ass was coming for a vist haha. Shame we were only spending one night here as it was very luxurious ( albeit reminiscent of a large sauna...pine everywhere)................dinner was a traditional Swiss border feast of fondue or Raclette ( another variation on the melted cheese theme). However the raclette came with crunchy veggies and salad so mosyt of us opted for that. The potatoes were delivered to the table in a denim bag, much to our amusement did the dehydrated bits of pepper and mushroom ( a la Eddie - Chandler's brief roommate..IYKYK)
We have to climb the Iseran tomorrow then a "cruisy net downhill" to St jean de Maurienne. Right. That means a few wee climbs thrown in I can imagine. Oh and a wee run before breakfast...

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