Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Saturday -sucking in air then sizzling hot

Val d "Isere to St Jean de Maurienne 106 km. 1523 asc. 5km shuffle before brekky.
Sunset in Val d'Isere Had a sub par sleep in my sauna style bunk room and a rebellious tummy , likely from the overload of melted cheese or, in fact, any cheese. Dragged myself up at 5.45 nd joined Kylie and Tanya and we had a cruisy jog down throught the main st until we hit a rocky track. Kylie went on to join up with the guys and we turned around as rocky trails are hazardous on fatgued minds and bodies.Running back up to the hotel was hard work- altitude ( Val d'isere sits at 1800m) and fatigue. Kinda like that post Ironman feeling when your breathing muscles are tired and you can barely walk up a flight of stairs. After a decent brekky and gallons of mediocre French coffee we set off...16km of uphill up the Iseran, which I had only climbed from the other side and had in my head that today was the super steep side. It was actually a pretty pleasant climb ( most are when related to Ventoux or Forclaz..!) and stunningly beautiful with Alpine flowers and glaciated scenery. Much to our delight the Jumbo Visma team car came past and following suit were a few of the non TdF riders who were apparently doing "reps" on each side of the Col. jeezus!! The team car went past me at one point around 4 km from the summit; windows open so I yelled out "STicky Bottle" but wasn't obliged.... likely because I don't know you say it in Belgian.
Grinding on the Iseran. It was pretty busy at the top with motor bikes, cars, bikes and hard to get a photo of the summit which is 2770m; the highest sealed road in the Alps. Another long descent and Ian waiting at the bottom with the van so that we could disrobe of all the warm gear ( chilly up top! Still some wee snow patches). Then we headed down a long hot valley through a couple of beautiful wee towns towards lunch stop in Modane - the Garmin was directing us on the "route panoramique" - uh-oh, another grind up hill. Yes. And road works so it was a dusty ride in the searing heat through fresh seal /light gravelly bits until we hit a long gentle descent and made it through Modane until we founbd the lunch stop - the support crew had done a fabulous job and a huge spread on a picnic table for us. Yummy. Guzzled down a wrap, melon and some apricot juice then the heavenly nectar that is a cup of coke with ice in it. We had to take a detour due to roadworks ( large landslide) which again meant a steep , hot and dusty grind up through a tiny village then a descent to join the bike path on the main road, slight downhill all the way to St Jean de Maurienne. It was a little windy too but luckily Gordo had joined our group so he and Daryl did a fine job of sheltering us 3 girls and made for a swift ride to the hotel. But oh my goodness it was HOT!! Again, bikes offloaded, into the rooms, showered and it was beer O clock again. Dinner was at a restaurant owned by the hotel approx 500m away..... food was pretty good but it took an eternity to be served and in between courses - I think we ate dessert at 9pm... I had to have a cold shower when returned to cool myself down, it was only the next morning we spotted the air con unit above the door in the room. Not the only ones to miss it tho!! St Jean de Maurienne- famous for the home of Opinel who invented the knives. And a bike race dedicated to his memory. How cool.

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