Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 6- rest day, wahoo!! Swim and run and general slouchiness:-)

The set plan was to run 15km at 6.30am but camp minimum for the day was a 1 hour run. Di ( roomie) and I opted not to set the alarm as she had developed the same lurgy I had had earlier in the week.
I didnt wake til 8am, almost a full 10 hours sleep which I felt was highly necessary.
Breakfast was served at 8.30 so the usual mound of food was consumed, still managed to avoid a pain au chocolat but opted to smother a banana in Nutella instead ( the French LOVE their Nutella!)

We took the van down to the pool rather than bike down; no way did I want to sit on a saddle today and thought prudent to stay off and be able to enjoy the forthcoming days.

WE swam for an hour in the outdoor pool, no lane ropes so again it was a bit of a mish-mash but it felt good on the body to be in the water, despite feeling like a dying walrus :-)

Once back at the chalet it was a pleasant lazy afternoon of laundry, massage, a wonderful lunch with lots f raw veggies and then organising of gear and I made it out for an hours run before dinner. Well, it was rather a run/walk as the trail headed uphill behind the chalet at reasonable gradient but it was good to get the fresh air and keep moving.

Tomorrow is another day with reasonable ascent, ending in a place called Grand Bornand which is close to Annecy. Another spot for 2 nights which makes a huge difference.

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