Monday, July 29, 2019

Epic Camp Day 9 - Prades to Ax les Theremes; channelling my inner Colombian

This is done on my phone as the wifi here doesnt work... mor annoying is that cant upload yesterdays swim and run!!

Yesterday started bright + early for riding, suns out guns out!!
We left Prades and had a gentle climb thru stunning mediaeval spa town and to Mosset, where our KOM of the Col du Jau started.... 13.6 km at 5.6%.
I had to make a BIG effort to try secure polka dot jersey but John had added a twist in that we had to guess our power so were going blind...
It was a bit gravelly for the first few kms( road works) but I decided to hammer it.... of course 13 km is a long way so didnt want to blow... rinsed myself, 59 mins to the top, Grinder is dead..

Rest of the ride was stunning, steep pitches on narrow roads( plenty roadworks) quaint French villages. Maqnifique!!
Two more smaller ( steep) cols then last climb Col de Pailhares which is another HC climb, 10,4 km with an ave of 8.5% but this had some very steep pitches but was beautiful... cows and clanging cowbells. Peaceful as this a less popular col compared to the well known ones.
I had burned too many matches for the KOM however, jeez that hurt and wishing I had proper granny gears!!
Reward was a fab 20km descent to Ax les Thermes, spa town.
Hot!! Stunning and very French... with a mild sulphurous odour from the sulphur springs.
Next up was a trail run so I trotted along behind John, Phil, big Glenn and Pete for 10km... was a nice run actually despite feeling horrendously dehydrated prior and had glugged 3 bidons of fluid when got to hotel.
After that a2km swim in pool before dinner.... oooohhhh.
Tomorrw, last day is a triathlon and a few fun events... cant wait to do 400 IM ...🤔🤔

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