Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Post Epic adventures: Milan, Morzine and Maseratis.

So, post Epic started with a 4.45am alarm clock and a load of croissants before a 5.15am departure in the van to central Geneva for Di, Z and myself to catch the Ouibus to Milan.

Never, EVER catch a Ouibus ANYWHERE. The bus was scheduled to depart at 7.45am; it was late arriving so we eventually left Genava around 9.15. The trip was supposed to take 4 hours and took SIX GODDAM HOURS due to two elongated border stops ( one with an African woman being deported from said bus) and a traffic jam at the Mont Blanc tunnel. We were sat in the back row next to some Italian youth who was actually in Di's seat but instead it was his then, once we had passed through both borders, proceeded to roll a joint for himself ready to smoke as soon as he alighted the bus in Milan. The fleeting thought passed through my mind of requesting he light up and pass it around alleviate the chronic pain of the bus journey :-)

**** 3 years on I see I never finished this post and blogged about the rest of our European adventure which involved a weeks' stay in Morzine, 8 days in Zurich with an Olympic distance triathlon thrown in followed by spectating IM Switzerland, followed by another arduous train journey involving French trains and bike bags to get us to Lyon Airport to be picked up for our 5 day stay up in Alpe d’Huez , which was concluded with the ADH long course triathlon- and one of my favourite ever races. The bike was HOT and tough, the run is tough and was glad we had had a reece on Epic camp! I managed a decent run and ended up 2nd Vet 1 lady. Highlight the day after was Zarnia and I's trip to the ADH patisserie and finally, after 6 weeks of coveting the goodies in the patissier windows we were able to sample a variety of cream filled delights.
Another long train ride to Paris gare du Nord, a night in Paris then it was on the big bird home to Singapore the next day after a fun filled 6 weeks.
Now Epic camp pyrenees is looming so I have had to resurrect this blog again and I am SO glad that I was resolute with my daily entries last time as I would have never remembered half of the shenanigans :-)

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